most of the day watching the Third Test Match
most of the day watching the Third Test Match

Another lazy day watching England draw at cricket on television. Two good long walks for Sam who is progressing quite well.

I saw Daniel off to Norfolk on his own and gave him £25 petrol money on condition that he mow the lawns at Horning in return.

Another dry and sunny day but the breeze became quite fresh and blustery than of late.

A very similar day to yesterday as I made the decision not to leave for Norfolk tomorrow so as to be home for Della's school swimming sports day tomorrow. This took the pressure off me achieving a great deal and, as I had been working hard lately, I decided to spend most of the day watching the Third Test Match. This was a gripping spectacle as England added a lot of runs in the first forty-five minutes and then declared, subsequently getting six Aussie wickets down with their "middle-order" and "tail-end" batsmen having to survive the last session without losing the last four wickets.

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They did this in the end but at least the draw took place against the background of England having the upper hand. Two good long walks for Sam who is progressing quite well but I am now reducing the amount of biscuit in his food so his toilet habits need settling down again. Also some little time in the evening sorting out my priorities for the immediate future. I always seem so busy that I must now work out what I want to give time to doing and delegate other matters to people who will do them for me.

I saw Daniel off to Norfolk on his own and gave him £25 petrol money on condition that he mow the lawns at Horning in return. He had another evening date with Dawn at the roller-skating rink and I hope that he does not fall over and damage his wrist again which is still strapped up from last time! The girls are a day or so away from the end of their school term and we will soon be going over to Norfolk for most of the summer. Della spent the day with a new teacher planned for her next school year as a "Middle" to which she graduates from being a "Lower" at the moment. She spent much of the evening in the swimming pool with Debbie and it is good to see them play so well together.

I telephoned the swimming pool company this morning and followed their advice in servicing the multi-port valve seal but I do not think that I made so much of an impression on the leak and so we will have to think again. Another dry and sunny day but the breeze became quite fresh and blustery than of late.