Time completing my Company Administration and catching up on reading about our publicity as Daniel goes on a Game Fair school trip and we play his game upon his return. Diana very tired and grumpy from Debbie’s illness and her own sickness and, possibly, a new pregnancy

Fairly early to wake as Diana is up to get Daniel off to a school trip to London. He goes in company with other pupils to a Games Fair where he buys a new games cassette for his BBC microcomputer; “Dog Fight.” Later today, on his return, I spend a merry hour or two playing the game with him which allows the players to assume the role of fighter pilots engaged in mortal combat. This, after a morning in bed reading the Sunday Times and pleased to see myself, Comart and Byte Shop as well as the British Microcomputer manufacturers group mentioned in an article on the microcomputer industry. The theme is the sort out that is presently taking place; as IBM take an increasing hold on the market and many other suppliers falter.

In late morning, Becky comes round to play with Debbie and it is a pity that David’s visit has coincided with the one Sunday school trip that has been organised for Daniel. Before lunch to feed the ducks who seem none the worse for their night out away from the riverside fireworks. An afternoon and evening mostly on company administration but distracted by an afternoon football match televised live and an evening film. In the end I manage to complete the Comart Ltd returns in draft and also compile a register of sealings from passed application. A row today with Diana who is very tired and irritable after Debbie’s night time sickness. Her mood provokes me to slap her which I am afterwards very sorry for. There is a good chance that her morning sickness means that she is again with child. To bed later than intended after a hundred dog fights.

News today of the aftermath of all the recent bomb outrages, and also of the suspected ill health of the Russian Premier, Andropov. The PLO leader Yasser Arafat is besieged in Tripoli by the rebel soldiers and the Syrians and his forthcoming defeat will herald an end of an era.

The weather has been quite mild this weekend with temperatures in the fifties and no rain.