Debbie is unwell as I work on company administration and then welcome friends for tea before we have a fireworks party as a North Sea oil rig diving bell fails, killing its crew

A very unsettled and sleepless night with Debbie awake and sick a half-dozen times. Early to rise and after breakfast to St Neots and the doctor with Debbie. He diagnoses a tummy upset with no medicine or treatment needed other than plenty of liquids and rest. Later to mind Debbie and get my personal accounts up to date, paying over above £1000 to Diana for the monthly housekeeping and expenses ahead of Christmas. To watch television and films about the Monaco Grand Prix motor racing and, after lunch, the story of the Mayflower.

In late afternoon to undertake company administration for Comart Ltd before John and Brenda Tomblin arrived with Becky and David. They had recently moved from Gordon Road and had returned for the evening Guy Fawkes bonfire, fireworks and celebrations. First to a handsome tea of cakes, sandwiches, tea and soft drinks and, after helping them unload and get installed in 39 Gordon Road, to Eddie and Stella’s for the celebrations. A good feast of fireworks and food and wearily home to writing and bed after setting off numerous fireworks and playing with the youngsters.

News today of the recapture of Arthur Hutchinson, another murderer who had escaped a month ago after a triple murder. A disaster on the “Byford Dolphin” north sea oil rig where several men were killed in a diving bell accident after the bell sections separated and exploded. Defence secretary Heseltine is attempting to excuse his insensitive remarks on shooting Greenham Common protesters today but nobody is convinced. Further comment today on yesterday’s explosion in the North East garage in Bradford where gas cylinders are thought to be responsible.

Debbie tonight has lasted the days exertions well after a sleepy morning. The ducks were let out for the night to avoid the noise and flashes of the riverside celebrations. These days they are only laying a single egg per day between them which is a great disappointment. On time to bed to catch up on some rest and sleep.