On 26 January 1994 23-year old Kang fired two blank shots from a starting pistol at Charles Prince of Wales during an Australia Day speech
On 26 January 1994 23-year old Kang fired two blank shots from a starting pistol at Charles Prince of Wales during an Australia Day speech

This dull and windy day spent mostly working at home, relieved that Daniel had returned home safely with his car. A better day training Sam and working on my computer software.

An attack by a protester firing two shots at Prince Charles in Australia, fortunately, a starting pistol filled with blanks was marked by the dignity and bravery shown by Charles

A productive day; if a little dull again. The weather very windy overnight as I sat up to wait for Daniel to get home from his expedition. I was up until midnight and then checked for his car in the drive at 2.30am and it was still not there which was worrying. I heard his story at breakfast.

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He had driven over to collect his car without problem and then taken his friends on a tour which took in Leicester and all else. We had been worried that he had broken down or crashed with this old but second-hand machine but it was all right. I saw him at lunch time and helped him fit a new £350 radio and then, again, this evening before he set off to show his new pride and joy to his Norfolk girlfriend Dawn.

Sam continued his recovery of his trusted water technique and also made great strides (perhaps I should say ‘leaps’ forward) at his jumping over stiles and fences. Progress also with his quartering but, try as I would to make him hold retrieves gently and carefully, I worry whether he can really become acceptable in this regard. In the office, I nursed the computer network into transferring the Excel 4 spreadsheet programme on to my portable and did some work on my family investment summary.

The gale had blown the gate to the riverside garden off of its hinges and I helped the gardener to pick it up for him to re-hang the next day. He had made a good job of tidying the slipway and re-laying the paving stones on it. The compost heaps are now concentrated into two of the enclosures with two free for the forthcoming grass-cutting system.

The news all about the failure of a TV soap actress to win a libel action against The Sun newspaper but, more significantly, of the attack by a protester on Prince Charles in Australia. Fortunately, his weapon was a starting pistol filled with blanks and the effect of this incident, and the dignity and bravery shown by Charles, will be to encourage sympathy and support for the monarchy at a time when Australia are considering becoming a republic.