Another day devoted to the election, maximising the leaflet campaign withing legal expenditure limits as out Tory rivals squealed to the press with complaints and misgivings about our tactics, just making us look more active!

With Sally and Brian and John Davison at the AGM of the Priory Park Residents Association, I went to the Little Paxton Annual Parish Meeting which I encouraged Michael Pope to go as well as the County Councillor. The weather is still chilly with frost each night and a cool northerly breeze making it quite uncomfortable canvassing near to dusk.

Each day has been devoted to electioneering recently and this day was no exception. More canvassing data to key in to the computer and reports to print out but first I had to compose and check the "Please Vote today" leaflets before printing out several copies as artwork for the printing process. I had worked out some updated budgets that showed we could afford to make this final effort successfully and so did so. The press coverage on the election has hotted up with the Tories voicing their normal pre-election round of complaints and misgivings about our tactics.

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This evening, I first went over to Eaton Socon to organise their canvassing and then came back to Little Paxton to attend the Annual Parish Meeting, to which I encouraged Michael Pope to go as well as the County Councillor. This meeting was not very well attended but was more positive than those of recent years; there being very much less by way of criticism from the parishioners. After this I tried to collect the rest of the Priory Park canvas cards from Sally but, with husband Brian and John Davidson, she was still at the AGM of the Priory Park Residents Association. To bed quite late and getting increasingly tired as the campaign comes to its climax. The weather is still chilly with frost each night and a cool northerly breeze making it quite uncomfortable canvassing near to dusk.