Little Paxton School Association family fun sports day
Little Paxton School Association family fun sports day

The rain poured later, ending a dry spell and with it, hopefully, the discomfort of warm and muggy nights but I had time to try relocating the house martins nest and to work on the inner garage guttering as the family attended a school sports afternoon and then to the cinema this evening after Debbie’s horse-riding lesson as Dr David Owen exhorts his SDP Conference followers to be ready for a snap election

A poor night, even though I had a nice relaxing bath before turning in. I felt too warm and kept thrashing about, until Di stomped off to the spare room in disgust. I have also had a cold these last couple of days, which might have something to do with it. Tired when brought my morning tea and turned over afterwards and went back to sleep. Made it down to breakfast, washed and dressed and then went out to resume my toils. The doves were hungry, but I left the ducks until later. Attacked the clearing up from yesterday, sweeping the north balcony and then the area behind the old No 7.

I put up a RSPB imitation house martin’s nest and took down a real one. One youngster flew off, but I put the other in the new nest and later the parents came to feed it. Where it had been, they were all messing up the path terribly. I was disappointed that there was an infertile egg in the nest, but I dropped it during the swap. I could have added a new species to my egg collection, with more care. Then to the inner garage and I managed to get the guttering down, remove the clips, brush off the loose paint and get the first coat of paint on before lunch. Quite tired by this time and the family collected me, having all been out for the morning. Drove them to the Happy Eater for a nice lunch and the children behaved perfectly, compared with some others there. Daniel and I home after, as the girls go to a Little Paxton School Association ‘family fun’ sports afternoon at the school. I plough on with the second coat and only just manage to fix on the guttering as the rain starts spotting and gets steadily harder. Soon it was pouring and I rested inside, reading etc. and glad that I had finished the entire job during the dry spell. Tea of salad and I have lost a couple of pounds to get me below 14 stone again. We got the children to bed, I gave Debbie a ‘pony lesson’ on Noble, and then we left the girls in the care of Daniel and drove to Huntingdon cinema to watch a film called ‘Hannah’s Sisters’ by Woody Allen. All of the films shown these days are of American origin, which is a great pity. Home reasonably early, but how the rain poured when we were out, flooding the roads after a long dry period. To bed rather cold and tired and glad to catch up on the sleep I lost last night. The SDP Conference starts today and Dr David Owen tells his troops to be ready for a snap election.