India has approached the US with a $1000 million claim for damages over the Bhopal chemical disaster
India has approached the US with a $1000 million claim for damages over the Bhopal chemical disaster

Studying local Little Paxton History at The Norris in St Ives today as Diana struggles to manage the girls before back to collect Daniel after school and ‘enjoy’ a Happy Eater lunch before off to the Village Hall November Fair and then to see ‘Highlander’ with Diana at the cinema. A coup to oust Cory Aquino fails in the Philippines and the Indian Government start a $1000 million claim for damages over the Bhopal chemical disaster and so who knows about the Rhine pollution implications…

A fair night and good start to the day, as I washed, changed and shampooed my hair before breakfast. Some more wheat flakes to eat, then skimmed through the papers, whilst the girls got ready. Out to the ducks and doves on another cold day, with a fresh wind making it uncomfortable for walking. All aboard the Range Rover, then off to St Ives together. Arrived very early and we had to go to Tooks for our drink, as the small cafe was not yet open. After, I walked up to the Norris Museum and Library and, finding it open, went in to study the Inskip Ladds Little Paxton file again. An old chap was on duty to relieve Burns-Murdoch and he insisted on showing me some old aerial photographs of St Ives, showing fighters under repair downstream of the road bridge in 1919. He saw them there as a boy and pointed out the old railway bridge and the old river swimming pool. I felt for him, getting on in years, with so much knowledge and many memories to impart and I did not mind the distraction.

Found some more useful information of Ingle, the corn millers, and Francis Loxley’s huntsmen and also some background to the Victoria County History’s analysis of Little Paxton Lordships of Manor and so the visit was worthwhile. Had only an hour or so to lunch and quickly went round the auction viewing (and saw one spindle-backed folding chair that I may buy) and also a lightning tour of an antique fair at St Ivo (where I bought a half dozen postcards). Picked up Di and the girls from outside the Norris and they had been in difficulty again. Di seems unable to cope with the girls with Debbie and Della being awkward and Della also having a cold. To St Neots, the long way round, via Huntingdon, to enjoy the drive and then we collected Daniel from outside Readwells and went off to the Happy Eater. A nice meal, if a nervous one, then all off to the ‘November Fair’ at the Village Hall! All of the local organisations that use the hall have a stall each to raise money for the hall and you buy raffle tickets and jumble. Daniel & Gary got a snorkel and face mask for a £1 coin, which was in good condition. Tea later and this evening I took Di to Bedford to watch a film, whilst Dan and Gary babysat. Unfortunately, it was a very poor and violent film called ‘The Highlander’ and we were also sitting in a plume of cigarette smoke. Back late and some difficulty getting the boys to their rooms and the lights out. News tonight was of a coup in the Philippines that failed to oust President Cory Aquino. Juan Ponce Enrile has resigned, and the rest of the Cabinet has been asked to, and Enrile is rumoured to have been behind a move to reconvene the disbanded parliament. The underlying conflict has been over the relationships with Communist rebels. India has approached the US with a $1000 million claim for damages over the Bhopal chemical disaster and the recent Rhine chemical leak is now known to be even more serious than feared.