The Sikhs nationalist struggle for the Khalistan Movement in the Punjab
The Sikhs nationalist struggle for the Khalistan Movement in the Punjab

Good Friday – Family shopping trip to Bedford with Debbie and Daniel spending their savings before a lunch in Debenhams as the Sikhs continue their murderous Nationalist struggle for the Khalistan Movement in the Punjab and Reagan wins Senate support for arming the Contras but still needs to convince Congress

 Awake after a good night on another cool and windy morning. Had a breakfast of cereal and milk today because of my sore throat. I seem to have picked up another chest infection, but I do not think this one is serious. To the bathroom for a wash down this morning to save time, then dressed and out to the ducks and doves early. Only five eggs and I pledge to wait until 10.00am another day. Then to sit and rest, whilst Di got the car out and the kids in it, as I still feel a bit weak.

The security alarm routine before we all set off for Bedford in good spirits and have a coffee etc., on our arrival. Daniel was spending his birthday Boots & W H Smith vouchers, Debbie 24p of her savings on two lots of ‘My Little Pony’ stickers and Di looked around the shops with Della. I looked at Peacocks auction rooms and, apart from a small intricate letter tidy and some oak furniture, found little of interest and even then did not think these items would appeal to Di. All met up back at Debenhams for a plaice and chips lunch and then drove home for the rest of the day. I rested from the exertions and watched the old classic film ‘Big Country’ on TV and thoroughly enjoyed it. Di wrestled with Debbie and Della until tea and, there being nothing but programmes of religious music on TV, I got back to work in the en-suite. I got Daniel to ‘help’ me put up the shower curtain until late and then sat with him playing chess between us and between the computer until 10.00pm. Late locking up and to bed without too much chance to update myself on the news. It seems, though, that conflict was again claiming the headlines; a tougher security crackdown is on the cards after more unrest and death in South Africa, Sikh extremists have killed 13 Hindus and hurt 21 more in the city of Ludhiana in the Punjab, and Reagan has won a narrow Senate majority for military aid to the Contras, but still has to face the Congressional vote against, if he is to get his way. The day seemed to get even windier and wetter as it wore on, but our defences held, even though all our cutters seem blocked and the water cascades down.