The Rev Ian Paisley, of the Ulster Unionist Party, heckled Thatcher’s speech in the European Parliament today
The Rev Ian Paisley, of the Ulster Unionist Party, heckled Thatcher’s speech in the European Parliament today

To Cambridge after a restless night and a couple more hours in the Cambridge Collection tracing archaeological records of rich Anglo-Saxon and Romano-British farms as Diana met and went shopping with Norma and home in time for her to receive her friends at The Hayling View. Two White House officials today refuse to answer questions on the Iran/Nicaraguan scandal and The Rev Ian Paisley heckles Thatcher in the European Parliament which adds to her embarrassment on the MI5 security crisis with retired agent Peter Wright now speaking to the press


A restless night, wondering about the content of further Cambridge Antiquarian Society papers on Little Paxton. They had been referred to in other articles that I had been reading last night and I had not noticed before. Eventually to sleep, as the wind blew and the temperature dropped and then awoke to my morning tea and to resume reading my articles on Stone Age man in Little Paxton. Soon had to break off for my morning shower and shave and this time I remembered to wash my hair. Breakfast and then a little while reading the papers and sorting my things out for the day’s study. A little day dreaming, as I waited for Joan to arrive and then a phone call to Vinters to make arrangements to give them a cheque for the balance of the Linton Lordships purchase price.

Then into the Range Rover to St Neots to collect Di after dropping her car off at the garage for servicing and on to Cambridge in time for morning coffee with Di’s mother in Eaden Lilley’s coffee shop. Then Di went shopping and I had a couple of hours at the Cambridge Collection Library. I found two more archaeological articles on Little Paxton, which were very significant indeed. A large Anglo-Saxon settlement was in the Parish and also some Romano-British farms. Photocopied the articles for further study, before meeting Di for lunch at the Copper Kettle. This venue turned out to be far too busy with the Christmas shoppers, however, and so we walked back to the car and drove on to the Happy Eater on the way home to have lunch there. Della was delighted and enjoyed her meal and the lego play area. Home just in time for Diana’s friends, who had been invited to a social. I spent the rest of the day reading the new articles and was amazed by the richness and significance of the finds. News today is of the two White House officials, central to the Iran/Nicaraguan scandal, deciding to remain silent again in front of the Congressional Committee enquiries. Reagan was hosting President Mabutu of Nigeria today and would not field any questions on the matter at all. The Rev Ian Paisley, of the Ulster Unionist Party, heckled Thatcher’s speech in the European Parliament today and then stood in front of the cameras with an ‘Ulster says no!’ poster on his chest, before being evicted from the chamber. Ahead of Labour’s announcements on its defence policy tomorrow, Tory central office and Thatcher are sniping at the Labour nuclear disarmament plans and trying to discredit them. MI5 retired agent, Peter Wright, is now speaking out to the press about the embarrassing political aspects concerning the British case in Australia and the Tories are obviously trying to pre-empt this adverse publicity by attacking Labour on other issues. EEC Ministers of Home Affairs have agreed plans for a combined strategy for security against terrorists, identifying the threat and cooperating on exchanging information. Drug trading and football crowd control were also discussed. Britain’s challenge for the Americas Cup foundered today, as White Crusader lost the latest race and seems out of the final stage.