Taking down riverside fences to create 'The Hayling View'
Taking down riverside fences to create 'The Hayling View'

Early morning reading up on world and local events and then a warm if damp day taking down fences until late evening as the TWA hijack develops

Awake to my tea and then to catch up on the Economist and Investors Chronicle before the Sunday Times arrived. A quick, but careful, look at today’s paper and then washed and dressed a lot earlier than normal for a Sunday. Out to the ducks, who seem to appreciate their clean straw and have laid 10 eggs for me. Then to feed the doves, who are not incubating. A turtle dove now comes down to feed with my fantails and is becoming quite tame. It is Father’s day today and, after a fine fried breakfast, I received three cards from the children and then some fudge from Della, a tie rack from Daniel and a huge mug from Deborah. In mid-morning, out to the fence panels again and managed to take down a number of them before lunch.

In early to lunch of pork and insisted on getting out the silver, but also the Rose Elegans dinner service to make the Sunday occasion. A nice lunch and then Daniel and I did the washing up and put away our silver and china safely. A long afternoon continuing my labour and again after tea. In the end all of the fence panels were taken down, repaired, and stacked in the new garage; the fence posts (many or most of which were of oak) taken down to the working plot; and the paths and drives brushed to remove the leaves and surface gravel. I had the help for a long time of the small boy opposite, who is a sunny character and likes to join in. Chats with just about all of our neighbours, who are now much closer to hand and seem anxious to be friendly and get to know us better. In just before 10.00pm and my bedtime drink and chat to Diana before turning in very physically tired and weary. More news today of the hijack moves, but I did not find time to follow it too closely. A fine day with slight rain, but fairly warm in spite of the cool breeze.