Productive day of Comart company meetings and administration as a Brit regains the land speed record and an Italian town has the ground rising 8ft in 30mm steps causing concern there

A good lay-in after an equally good night’s sleep. Breakfast with the family and off to the office on a bright sunny morning. The weather later turned dull and cool. A day of meetings and desk work with company administration progressed and priorities agreed on Purchasing, Marketing and the Manufacturing side. The first meeting on developing a new Quality Policy and I spend the early evening writing up the results. A much better day for catching up on correspondence with June back on form.

News today of a row in the Labour Party Conference with Jim Callaghan provoked into speaking out against unilateral disarmament. Lech Walesa is awarded the Nobel Peace prize and intends to ask permission for his wife to travel and receive it on his behalf. Richard Noble of Great Britain drives to achieve a new world land speed in Nevada following in the footsteps of Hobbs and Campbell in a great British tradition. Further fascination in the media with the case of the Harley Street Doctor Brian Reynolds, arrested in the US charged with conspiracy to murder his partner Dr Peter Stephan – although both are involved in the hocus pocus business of life extension and rejuvenation. Also a spectacular report of the Italian town, Potzwali, where the ground is rising 8 feet by regular hourly seismic shocks 30mm at a time – the public are very anxious at this phenomena. Back in England, the domestic problems are still mass unemployment and its side effects.