This blog was mainly prepared for the date of June 11th 2013, when my journals were first published day by day starting on the 30th Anniversary of the day on June 11th 1983 when I first started writing a daily journal, with dedication and endurance so as to last until what is the present day. You can find out more by clicking on the 'Journal' Tab.

Another role of this site is to provide a platform to present a photographic history of my life and times to accompany my writings. We all have lots of pictures and images of ourselves, our friends and family that act a visible record but often they get stowed away, lost or unattributed as to date and subjects so I reckoned that this would be a good a place as any to keep them safely.

Some early family videos are also published for trial purposes under the 1980's video menu item

Your comments and input are most welcome. Contact me via email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There might be some questions that arise in your mind (with privacy of individuals mentioned in these journals perhaps the most significant and others such as 'who exactly are the characters mentioned?'). There is a FAQ section in the menu that might cover these.<