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Stalking and shooting two red deer stags with ranger Chris today, the largest an active large beast that was going from hill to hill, trailing us in its wake, before I got a shoulder shot into it after a breath-taking crawl and felled it through the top of the heart. It weighed 19st 9lbs with a good head to keep.
Back to the hotel for dinner and then to bed after arranging some fishing with Ian's son, Peter for, as they say here ‘the morrow’.
I also met Chris early in the morning, this time at our normal rendezvous at The Hallerdale turn near Melvich. I had got there early and fed and watered Sam and so was ready to take the long trip along the uneven Strathy Road, turning off past Alan Brooke's house and away to stalk red stags. There was not a lot of calling but we tracked and stalked an active large beast that was going from hill to hill, trailing us in its wake. I got a shoulder shot into it after a breath-taking crawl and felled it through the top of the heart. It was later found to weigh 19st 9lbs and we found that all of this season's deer were quite fat and well-nourished.
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Much of the day with Sam walking up grouse. He found around eleven, with three being the most in each covey, and I missed about four chances before hitting one.
Collecting and stirring my newly-renovated boat before a productive meeting with Stuart Smith of Fountain Forestry. Ranger Chris then joined me to lead the Sika stalk and I dropped a stag with a good shoulder shot.
The news today was of the Labour Party Conference agreeing to John Smith's call for One Member - One Vote; heralding the end of the union block voting system.
I took my first lay today and did not try to trouble the geese. After a latish breakfast, I spent much of the day with Sam walking up grouse. He found around eleven, with three being the most in each covey, and I missed about four chances before hitting one. Sam found it for me and was getting steadily better and steadier at pointing. I had booked a meeting with Fountain Forestry at Lairg and some Sika stalking afterwards with Chris Ross but used the opportunity to tow my newly-renovated boat to Borgie Lodge on the way.
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Equally unsuccessful for geese both in the morning and evening but I had a better day fishing The White Loch as there was more of a ripple and I landed three of the young brown trout.
I culled a couple of hares after dark to quench my frustration and protect my small hardwood saplings. I met another Broubster land owner and client, Mr Forsale, for dinner and a chat
I was equally unsuccessful for geese both in the morning and evening and thinking of giving up the quest. I had a better day fishing The White Loch as there was more of a ripple and I landed three of the young brown trout that Ian had introduced in the spring. They had grown an inch or so and were fat enough to be feeding well.
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An unsuccessful day finding no geese on the lochs but Sam put up three grouse and I shot and winged one and had to chase it and despatch it myself to form my first ever grouse kill.
This time the geese only arrived after I had to leave for dinner, it being close to a full moon and the geese being too well supplied with light for late navigation back from their feeding grounds.
I made another early start before dawn but was both surprised and disappointed to find that there were no geese on the loch. Thereafter settled down to walking up grouse and, after Sam put up three, I shot and winged one and had to chase it and despatch it myself to form my first ever grouse kill. I spent the middle of the day fishing on my loch, but the conditions were so warm, sunny and still that my tackle and methods were not able to overcome their caution it being too calm.
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